Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Munich Coloured 2

still dont mark this because its after the hand in date.  just comparing the 2 images.

Munich Coloured

dont mark this coz its after the hand in but im just carrying on my blog.

Sunday, 15 May 2011



Well hi there.  Unfortunately this is all coming to an end.  I have found this whole process of blogging extremely helpful.  I no way has it been a burden on my mind as something more that I have to do.  This blog has helped me keep up to date with my work, it allows me to view everything from a distance and to keep to my goals.  It is very easy to go off on a tangent or forget what you are aiming for but when constantly being reminded of what you have already done, who you have looked at and so on it keeps everything in perfect perspective.  As for the F.M.P i feel so far it has gone extremely well!   I'm really pleased with the work I have done and I really think that this blog has played a large part in achieving this.  Unfortunately as the hand in for this blog is 2 weeks ahead of the F.M.P hand in there are a few things that you will have to wait till the show to see but it can be a nice surprise.  My time management is usual something i would say could improve when i write a conclusion on most of my projects, however I think that not so much for this one.  I'm really pleased with the way everything worked out and hopefully my hard work, good communication and a little bit of luck will pay off.  In this project I have explored new techniques and settled on some good ones.  In the previous project I felt that I found my style, which i had been looking for, for a while.  In this project i felt i really settled into my style and developed it.  If nothing else i think i have come away from this course with a lot more skill and confidence than I went in with.  It is sad to see the course ending but i feel i have achieved what i wanted from it.  This project especially has been the highlight of my 3 years on the course because of my improvement and my devotion to it during the project.  I hope you enjoyed my blog and I hope you like my finals.  And thanks for taking the time to read all this.

Presentation of Finals

Thought I would just quickly add that this is how I will be presenting my final images.  In A2 white ikea frames.  I will also be using the raising technique that Pete showed us using foam board to lift the prints away from the back ground

Video Diary on youtube

As the videos have been tempremental at time I have put them all on youtube incase they start playing up, you can find all my video diaries here.  just click above the video where it says 27 videos. and you can view them all there.  Enjoy

Final Video Diary (A recap or the entire project, Very imporant!)

Unfortunately Blogspot is having trouble uploading my final video so what I have done is published it in 3 parts to youtube so you will have to watch it there.  The links are below

Having done this it seems like kind of a smart plan to just back up all my videos on youtube in case you have trouble watching them as they have been temperamental before.  So i shall pop a link somewhere to my youtube channel where you should be able to find all the videos. Enjoy

Final Blog Update

Thought my blog needed a final sprucing up so I gave it a new colour scheme and used one of my finals as a back ground.  It works a lot better and looks a lot more professional now i think

Final Scans

The four final images all drawn out and scanned in ready to be coloured.  I am very happy with the way the drawings have turned out and can't wait to get colouring.

Development Of Finals

This is the image I have done of my time in Italy as it develops.  The image so far turned out well.  I am happy with the quality of line and am excited to get to colouring the image.  I have spoken to Pete and Louise and they both gave me great advice for colouring the images.  However they seem quite time consuming and time is short.  But I shall do what I can.  Remembering of course that I still have a large 2 meter by 2 meter Canvas to paint.    

Starting the Finals

 These are four of my five finals that I have drawn out in pencil, they now need to be filled in with pen.  The Images are only in pencil at the moment but I can see that they are going to turn out the way I want them too.  The images are all very full and busy how I want to be. 

 This image is of Austria.  As it was quite an uneventful time there the image is not as full as I would like it to be but I think it still works. 

Italy Colour Tests

 This image I am very pleased with.  I think the colors I have used work well and the outlining works well to frame the image well. 
this image doesn't quite cut it.  I think this is because the colours aren't flat enough.  I looks a bit too childish. 

Munich Colour Tests

 These are the colour tests that I have done for my Munich final piece.  These went well I think and with a bit of tweaking I think this method could be successful for my finals.  The one above is of the venue "The Tent"  I like the image because of the colour scheme.
 I like this image also but I don't think it is quite as successful because the purple i used was too dark and hides some of the line work. 
This is my favorite of the 3 images.  The colour  is perfect in this one I have kept it lose but not too messy.  I think the image works well mainly because of the negative space. 

New Work Space.

I haven't been working very well over this entire project.  I have trouble concentrating in the studio, and my room is far too small.  So most of my work I have been doing in the kitchen.  This can also be a very distracting place to work.  So I have decided to make myself a good work space in my housemates room as he basically lives in his girlfriends room it is a good place for me to get on and not be distracted.  This new space has really helped my productivity and I am finding it much easier to get on. 

Portfolio Images

 This is an image from the Fairytales project that i was pleased with and I will be using it in my portfolio.  I like this image because of the colours I used and the quality of line created by the mono print.  
 This is a quick colour test image that i did on canvas for the F.M.P and I was pleased with the way it turned out so I think I shall also use this in my portfolio.  I like this Image because it is striking and has good composition

These are 2 images also from the fairytale project that I was pleased with.  They might need a bit of editing and cropping but I think these will be a good edition to my portfolio.  

Thursday, 5 May 2011

More Influences

This is a website showing and selling work by a screen printer called Paul Roden.  I am a big fan of his use of colour.  The way he overlays and uses limeted colours gives the image a very organic look.  I would like to use screen printing as a technique for my final images but i thing they may be too detailed and also it is a technique i have used quite frequently and I think it would be better to explore different methods.  However i would like to use similar effects that he has such as the overlapping of colours and possibly involve some stenciling in my images,


This is a line drawing I recently created on the mac.  I was just mucking about really but the way it turned out I was actually quite pleased with it.  I decided to leave it with out colour.  But I may come back to it. 

Influences and Inspiration

I stumbled across this image on an online magazine called " GizMag"  It's a magazine for designers and illustrators and there are some very inspiring and helpful articles and images.  I love this images because of it's great use of colour the artist has a similar palette to mine and also it is a very busy image with a lot going on which is also what i hope to achieve.  I want something new to look at every time you view the image.  this is a great example of an image that does this successfully.

Outside Work

Something has popped up out of the blue for me which is rather exciting.  Last year one of our projects was to create a childrens book.  I did this with a series of nonsense poems that i wrote and illustrated.  towards the end of the project i sent samples of the book off to several publishing companies just in case.  Over a year later I have heard back from a company called 

who have said they would like to talk about publishing my book "No Explanation Required"  So I have also got a lot of work to do with that and I am hoping to get it published. 

This is a slightly cropped image of the front cover of the book i am hoping to get published.