Friday, 4 February 2011

Blog Background and Title Stuff

Issuu Instructions

Chris's Instructions for creating a digital book on Issuu

Day 11 Video Diary

Alex's Tattoo

Alex's Tattoo freshly done! Look at the original image on the previous ink

Habben Ink

This is an awsome site with some seriously amazing drawings and sketches.  Check it out!

Day 9 Video Diary

My Issuu Libary

If you fancy it take a look at some of my digital books.

Day 8 Video Diary

Cloak And Dagger Snaps

Day 6 Video Diary

Other one first.

Day 6 Video Diary

This one first.

F.M.P Idea Bullet Points

A few bullet points describing what my final major project is possibly going to consist of.

Day 5 Video Diary

Card Mock Up

Just a little idea I had for one of the greetings cards I could do.  Nothing special just a basic idea.  Thought I would pop in a little logo idea on it too.

Day 4 Video Diary

Stumbled across this

As i was saying earlier Illustrations tend to be more successful when they are clever as well as a good image.  I was looking through several illustrations by "Alex Noriegu" and thought that text in image can be really effective and I was thinking I want to include much more text in my work, for several reasons.  it can help with the composition of the image and the way people perceive and understand the image.

Day 3 Video Diary

My Mind Map of everythin I have to do

This is just me mapping out everything I have to do in the up coming months.  It's just a lot easier to have it on paper than have it all jumbled up in my brain.

These are some of my little sketches and ideas that I had for the degree show theme.  Including the cut out mustache, the finger print within the tree stump (showing the 130 years of southampton art school) and things stemming from the Victorian theme.

Degree Show I.D

Dan's mock up of the illustration degree show theme.  I love the look of this and think that this is how it should be made as the final.  Possibly a bit bigger and obviously resolved then the rest of us could photoshop our input into the stage.  We shall see how it turns out.

Day 2 Video Diary


looking at this illustration by "Nocturnal Devil" one of my favored artists, I was realising that a good illustration has to be more than a striking or interesting image it has to be clever too.

Day 1 Video Diary

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Video Diary on youtube

As the videos have been tempremental at time I have put them all on youtube incase they start playing up, you can find all my video diaries here.  just click above the video where it says 27 videos. and you can view them all there.  Enjoy

A little something about my self

Whats to know?  I'm Benji a 3rd year illustration student and this blog following myself and my progress during my Final major project.  I am a bit of a joker.  I don't really take anything seriously and the most important thing to me is having fun.  As long as no one else is suffering in the process of my quest for fun.  I have quite a comical outlook on life and I also observe situations and people in a comical way.  I like to think that this comes across in my work most of the time but that is objective and maybe you can tell me.  I like to think I'm quite adventurous,  I'm certainly a risk taker and I like to get stuck into as many dangerous sports as I can.  This kinda stuff gives me good fuel for my work.  Not much else you really need to know about me I don't think.  If there is just ask me, if your following my blog it can't be too hard to get hold of me.

About this Presentation Document

Hi there folks.  I have decided to do my presentation mainly as a video diary.  I of course will include other forms of communication, writing, links, pictures, etc.  But I will largely be communicating my progress via video.  This presentation document will show my progression of my project over the next few months.  I will try and include as much as I possibly can keeping you as involved as possible with my processes, ideas, successes and mistakes.  I am looking forward to having this facility as I work on my F.M.P.  I think it could be a very helpful asset to my project.  I know I am certainly going to benefit from logging my progress as it comes.  Hopefully it will keep me on track and up to date.  The reason I have decided to do my presentation in blog form is because it is easier than a diary it involves less cut and pasting and so on.  For example if I see something that inspires me i can simply post a link to the blog and you can see it, without me having to print it off cut it out and stick it in a diary.  It all just seems quicker and easier.  And quicker and easier means that I will be more inclined to keep up to date with it and i can communicate better.  I have also decided to communicate with you in video diary form because i believe it is more personal.  You will find it easier to see where I'm coming from and it will be in my own words.  I'm not saying that if i was to write it all down it wouldn't be in my words but when writing things get edited, mistakes get corrected and words get changed and stuff like that.  This way you will really hear it from me and understand my thought processes and hopefully enjoy it a bit as well.  Hope you have fun going through my blog guys.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011


1. About the presentation document
2. About me
3. Reflective Diary
4. Conclusion
5. Bibliography